Wardha ODOP - Cotton and Cotton Yarn

Production Hubs in the District- Wardha, Arvi and Hinganghat
Product Certification Requirements- Phytosanitary Certification, Quality standards cert., GI, FSC-ISO 2200
HSN Codes-52052490, 52010015, 52010019, 52010014
Cotton and Cotton Yarn in Wardha

Varieties of Product

Variety Description
Banni Cotton Commonly known as Desi cotton fibers have great length, strength, and superior spinning quality
Mini Composite Upland 5 Hybrid cotton variety exhibits excellent fiber quality.
Jayadhar cotton Popular choice for its versatile ability to withstand heavy rainfall. Jayadhar yields high-quality fiber possess strength and uniformity.

Salient features of the Product:

Wardha –Cotton and Cotton Yarn