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Industry Overview – Global

The Global IT Industry is estimated at USD 5 trillion in 2021. The industry has seen rapid growth in the recent few years further accelerated by COVID-19. Most of the global IT industry is focused in and around USA (32%); followed by the European Union (20%), the Asian region (14%), and Australia and New Zealand region (11%).

Industry Overview - India

As per the ‘Techade 2020’ by NASSCOM, India’s IT & ITeS industry revenues stood at USD 177 billion in 2018-19 with a growth rate of 6.1%. Despite a dip in global technology spending amid the coronavirus pandemic, the country's IT sector is set to post a 2.3% rise in revenues taking the current figure to USD 194 billion. The same report states that, the IT industry now delivers 8% of Indian GDP, contributes to over half of services exports, 50% of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and employs more than 4.3 million people in 2020-21. Government of India targets to build India as a USD 1 trillion digital economy by 2025, reports MeitY, Invest India.

Industry Overview – Maharashtra

Maharashtra is a major hub of technology & innovation. Since 1990s, the state has emerged as a key hub for IT &ITES, electronics, and captive business outsourcing industries, thus developing competitive edge in domestic and global arenas. Through constant enhancement of infrastructure, talent, and policy ecosystem the state has become a leading destination for IT companies, with businesses proliferating beyond Mumbai, Pune, Thane to districts like Raigad, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Nasik, and Kolhapur. The ecosystem advantages described below will continue to act as a springboard for growth in the coming years.

Policy Targets

The Government has set the following targets for the Policy Period

  • To attract new investment of INR 95,000 Crore towards IT &ITES sector in the State
  • To Create new 3.5 million jobs opportunities through IT &ITES sector in the State. For that, increase the skill development by 15% per annum for developing highly employable, talented and quality manpower.
  • To achieve export of INR 10,00,000 Crore through IT &ITES sector in the State.


To make Maharashtra a global IT &ITES destination and the Technology capital of India, moving towards innovative, equitable, inclusive and sustainable Technology Development.


To ensure Maharashtra as the most preferred destination for investment and innovation among global IT&ITES enterprises through Strategic Policy Interventions, Development of Competitive Advantage and Enabling Business Environment.

  • To strengthen the leadership position in IT&ITES Sector in India.
  • To further accelerate IT &ITES investment flows to the State for sustainable and balanced Regional Development
  • To promote Intellectual Property creation, innovation, and technology commercialization for new Technology products/Services especially for indigenous products developed in Maharashtra.
  • Becoming Destination of Choice for Global companies by significantly increase in investments inflows in emerging technologies with a focus on developing associated support ecosystems.
  • To develop a robust IT &ITES and Emerging Technology talent pool, which is highly employable, skilled and spurs the growth of the sector in Maharashtra.
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With increasing globalization, the impetus is on setting up and running manufacturing facilities which are cost competitive. India with its factor endowments, availability of skilled labour and developing infrastructure, has constantly improved its attractiveness as a global manufacturing destination. In view of this development, Government of India has set an ambitious target of increasing India‟s manufacturing sector share to 28 per cent of GDP by 20221 from the existing share of 16 per cent (2009-10).

The Industrial Policy, 2013 focuses on the following:

  • Increased focus on less developed regions of the state to bring them on par with mainstream industrial development.
  • Customized package of incentives for Ultra Mega and Mega Industrial Investment
  • Holistic approach to MSME development
  • Initiatives to encourage employment-intensive industries
  • Path-breaking initiatives for investor facilitation and ease of doing business
  • Optimal utilization of land for industrial development
  • Strengthening of industrial infrastructure
  • Assistance to unviable sick units for easy exit and to viable sick units for reviva
  • Incentives to bring about sustainable industrial development


“Maharashtra - a globally competitive manufacturing destination that promotes faster sustainable investment and inclusive growth”.


To place Maharashtra amongst the most preferred investment destinations in Asia, for global investors, through aggressive promotional strategies combined with developing a globally competitive and sustainable investment environment, thereby making Maharashtra as one of the most favoured economic magnets and centres of unlimited attractions.


The objectives of the Industrial Policy, 2013 are:

  • To retain Maharashtra‟s leadership position in industrial investment within the country
  • To further accelerate investment flow to industrially underdeveloped regions of the state
  • To create more employment opportunities

Policy Targets:

  • To achieve manufacturing sector growth rate of 12-13 percent per annum
  • To achieve manufacturing sector share of 28 per cent of State GDP
  • To create new jobs for 2 million persons
  • To attract investment of ₹ 5 Lakhs Crore (₹ 5 Trillion)
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One of the great opportunities in this age of “Century of Knowledge” is the emergence of knowledge based IT industries and another emerging opportunities on the horizon is Biotechnology. Biotechnology has the potential to transform the lives of the people in the state by impacting hugely on agriculture, animal husbandry, health, environment protection and material transformation. It is to realize this potential that the state has already announced Biotechnology Policy-2001.

Strategic Initiatives:

  • For effective implementation of this policy, the Maharashtra Biotechnology Board has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chief Minister
  • Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, a renowned scientist has been appointed as Chairman of Maharashtra Biotechnology Commission
  • Accordingly budget provision has been made for ₹ 9.83 Crore in the financial year 2007-08
  • The state will emphasize the importance it attaches to Biotechnology by observing State Biotechnology Day on 14th November, the birth anniversary of Late Jawaharlal Nehru


  • Provide to the farmers to the State better, high-yielding, drought and pest-resistant crops suited to the agro-climatic conditions of the State;
  • Help to develop affordable and more cost-effective drugs and devices to counter diseases common to India and to tropical and sub-tropical areas, and to reduce the disease burden;
  • Develop cheaper and effective technologies to purify water sources and to deal with Industrial effluents and urban wastes, etc.;
  • Improve the livestock in the State in order to increase the earning capacity in rural areas;
  • Improve the marine stock to improve the productivity of the fishing industry;
  • Enhance the value and utility of medicinal plants and traditional systems of medicine by developing new products with global potential;
  • Develop and promote utilization of animal diagnostics and vaccines for preventing losses and increasing realization from livestock and poultry;
  • Augment feed and fodder availability and processing;
  • Improve the overall nutritional security in the State;
  • Improve the quality of life through better health and better environment
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To attract foreign direct investment, promote export and generate employment in the country, the State Government has announced a policy for setting up Special Economic Zone, vide G.R. dated 12.10.2001 and subsequently, Central Government has enacted SEZ Act, 2005


Definition of 'Special Economic Zone - SEZ'

  • Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a specifically delineated duty free enclave with all required infrastructure provided under single administrative umbrella primarily meant for locating industries which manufacture and export goods and services .
  • These enclaves shall be deemed to be foreign territory for the purposes of trade operations and duties and tariffs.
  • Every unit in SEZ should be positive net foreign exchange earner.

Basic Objective for Establishing Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

  • Generation of additional economic activity
  • Promotion of exports of goods and services;
  • Promotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources;
  • Creation of employment opportunities;
  • Development of infrastructure facilities.

Who can set up SEZs?

  • Special Economic Zone can be established either by Central Government ,State Government or its agencies, private/public/joint sector or any person for manufacture of goods or rendering services or for both or as a free trade and warehousing zone.
  • To establish sector specific SEZ minimum investment should be 250 Crores or net worth should be 50 Crores.
  • To establish multi product SEZ minimum investment should be 1000 Crores or net worth should be 250 Crores.
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Single Window Policy 2016

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Retail Policy 2016

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Maritime Development Policy 2016

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Land Acquisition Act-2013

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New Textile Policy, 2011-17 lays emphasis on raising processing units at various levels from cotton to manufacturing textiles for the assured long term development on priority basis in the cotton producing sector, expansion of the textile industry and growth of employment in the State.

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New Textile Policy 2011-17 Corrigendum

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This package scheme of Incentives dt.30th March 2007 outlines the various incentives available in the state. This is operative from 1st April 2007 to 31st March 2011.

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Modification of Industrial Location policy in MMR

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This policy aims to promote the orderly growth of the Grapes Processing Industry in the State